Yes, I have seen this issue. HPE has introduce [''Web Accessibility toolkit''][1] in 12.52 (tech preview) and 12.53 (full version). By default, this toolkit is on and can cause some issues. I have found that it was an issue on machines running 64 bit OS but not 32. HPE has release document on how to disable the ''Web Accessibility toolkit'' using HPE document [KM02217882][2].
This page ''[Web object recognition using the Web Accessibility toolkit][3]'' has the following note:
> This toolkit is enabled by default when starting UFT, unless you have the YahooUI Web 2.0 toolkit or the Add-in for SAP Solutions loaded. In addition the Web Accessibility toolkit objects (WebTabStrip, WebTree, or WebMenu, or other standard Web objects using the ''role='' property) are not supported on Edge browsers.
HP has provide detail procedure on how to disable ''Web Accessibility Toolkit'' in document [KM02217882][4]