I will be glad to assist you with this. The Run Results Viewer will enable you to view the UFT run results on a machine that doesn't have UFT installed on it. In order to do this, you will need to install the Unified Functional Testing add-in on the desired machine. Downloading it from the HP site will ensure that you get the most up-to-date version. No patches will be necessary to use the Run Results Viewer. From the qcbin, click 'Tools', select 'More HP ALM Add-ins', click 'Add-Ins', click the 'Unified Functional Testing' link, download the Add-in for the version of UFT you are using. After you install the add-in, I would also like for you to run the Client Registration. The following steps will walk you through the process of registering the ALM Client on that particular machine. From the qcbin, click 'Tools', select 'HP ALM Client Registration', then click the 'Register HP ALM' link at the bottom of the screen. After you complete the installation and client registration processes, you will see the 'Run Results Viewer' shortcut on the desktop. Once you open the Run Results Viewer, you will need to click the 'ALM Connection' button to connect to ALM. Once you have connected to ALM, you will be able to view the UFT test run results.