Verify project failed and Getting extra table error for ALM 12.53 Patch 2
Question ID: 108458


We have installed HP ALM 12.53 Patch 2 on the 12.53 Patch 1 yesterday and we ran verify and repair tool for all the projects around 200 projects and did not face any for any project except this project. During verify the project we got an error that is extra table. Error type: Extra table found

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Posted by (Questions: 18, Answers: 7)
Asked on June 27, 2018 11:58 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

There are two options which will resolve the specified issue.

Option1: Create an exception file for the extra table and perform the upgrade.

Please refer below Micro Focus online help document for the exception file creation.

After you create exception file, Please follow below instructions to set an exception file for a single project.

1. In Site Administration, click the Site Projects tab.
2. In the Projects list, select a project. In the right pane, select the Project Details tab. The project's details are displayed.
3. Under Project Database, click Exception File. The Edit Exception File dialog box opens.
4. Type the file location. The file is located under saDomsInfoMaintenanceData.

And also, In Site Admin -> Site Configuration, see if you're using an UPGRADE_EXCEPTION_FILE parameter. If you are using it, Verify this is specifying another exception file location, and if so, take a look at that file and see what it's telling QC to ignore.

About ''UPGRADE_EXCEPTION_FILE'' parameter: If you have made changes to a project database user schema such as the addition of tables or columns, the verification, repair, or upgrade processes may fail. You can define an exception file for objects that are added manually to the database user schema, and are not defined in the schema configuration file. This instructs ALM to ignore these changes.

The schemaexceptions.xml file for the site admin is in the installation path instead of the deployment path. By default, you can find it here:

C:Program FilesHPALMdatasaAdminMaintenanceDataschemaexcpetions.xml

Option2: Extra table should be dropped it from the database

There is extra table which is causing the issue. Database administrator need to identify the extra table and drop manually from the project database.

Please try below instructions
1. Create a backup copy of the affected project database (just in case you need to revert the changes suggested below).
2. Involve your organization's database administrator and ask him/her to drop the extra index manually from the project database.
3. Please run the Verify/Repair tool once again to confirm if the issue is resolved.

And also, I found latest KB article KM03177234 which says how to remove the extra table from the project database. remove the extra tables in the project database schema, you should navigate to the project database, go to views > find the extra tables and remove it.

Please Note, remember to made a backup before you remove the extra tables.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 15)
Answered on July 5, 2018 2:02 pm

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