What are SQL Server permissions are required to install and manage Quality Center?
Question ID: 104075

What are SQL Server permissions are required to install and manage Quality Center?

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Posted by (Questions: 70, Answers: 111)
Asked on April 5, 2010 4:06 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer
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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 613)
Answered on April 5, 2010 4:52 pm
Private answer

To install Quality Center on a Microsoft SQL database server, the installing database user must have sufficient permissions to perform certain administrative tasks in SQL.

If possible, use the SQL sa user to install Quality Center. If you are unable to use the SQL sa user due to security reasons, it is recommended that your database administrator create a Quality Center database administrative user, for example qc_db_admin, with the specific privileges required to install Quality Center.

The Quality Center database administrative user must have the Database Creators role and the Security Administrators role. This allows it to create the qc user with only those privileges required for running Quality Center. Create Quality Center database administrative user before installing Quality Center. To create the Quality Center database administrative user user, follow steps below, and enter qc_db_admin as the user name.

Creating a Quality Center database
administrator user

To create a Quality Center database administrative user on Microsoft SQL Server 2005:

  1. Open the SQL Server Management Suite.

  2. Under Database Engine, right-click the machine name, and select Connect > Object Explorer.

  3. In the Object Explorer window, click Security, right-click Logins, and select New Login.

  4. Enter qc_db_admin as the user name, and select the authentication type (enter password if necessary).

  5. Click the Server Roles tab, and select the dbcreator and securityadmin options.

  6. Click OK.

Testing Quality Center database
administrator user

To test the Quality Center database administrative user (SQL Server Authentication):

* To verify the select sysdatabases table permission in the master database:

   SELECT name FROM sysdatabases where name=<db_name>

* To verify the create database permission:

CREATE DATABASE <dbName> -- the database name must not already exist

* To verify the drop database permission:

DROP DATABASE <database_name> -- the database name must exist

* To verify the select syslogins permission:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master..syslogins WHERE name='td'

To test the Quality Center database administrative user (Windows Authentication):

* To verify the change database context permission:

USE <dbName> 

* To verify the create database permission:

CREATE DATABASE <dbName> -- the database name must not already exist

* To verify the select on syslogins permission:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master..syslogins WHERE name='<dbOwnerName>' 

* To verify the select on sysusers permission:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master..sysusers WHERE name='<dbOwnerName>' 

* To verify the grant all to td user permission:

GRANT ALL TO <dbOwnerName> 


* If you create the 'td' user before installing Quality Center then the Security Administrators role is not required. It is important that the 'td' user has only the public role.

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Posted by (Questions: 36, Answers: 3)
Answered on April 27, 2010 8:04 pm

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