What is the purpose of Field search in Requirement module
Question ID: 108008

Can you please let us know the purpose of Field search option icon in the Master tool bar in Requirement module. We are unable to get the same in user guide of ALM 12.55.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 15)
Asked on November 10, 2017 8:23 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The idea of this functionality is to search fields (when a customer has a lot of fields) easily by using the filter.

This is a new functionality introduced for ALM, and in order to enable the field search we will need to enable this site parameter ENABLE_QUICK_FIELD_SEARCH = Y in site administration> site configuration tab:

After add this parameter you will enable the quick field search for ALL the ALM modules, and it works properly when you open the details of the entities.

Note: This new functionality needs to be debug, because for requirements module specifically the button in Master toolbar should not appear, it should appear only when you open the entity details, and for now the button in toolbar does not have functionality, fortunately according to Micro Focus internal information it seems it will be fixed in next available ALM releases.

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Posted by (Questions: 18, Answers: 7)
Answered on November 10, 2017 8:27 pm

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