When does our current software version / support expire?
Question ID: 107782


I am looking online at the "Obsolescence & Migrations" page and I do not see our exact version. I see 12.5x which shows support that expires Sep 30, 2019. Does this also apply to our version of 12.01.141?

Before I joined, I believe the company went from 11.3 to the current version because we were overdue on our support contract. I am just trying to figure out what to prepare for in the upcoming year or two, if anything.

Page I am on – https://softwaresupport.hpe.com/obsolescence-migrations

Can you please help me understand when our contract expires on our current version?

Thank you very much!

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Posted by (Questions: 204, Answers: 2)
Asked on July 27, 2017 3:50 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

![alt text][1]I have attached the proper page from the HP website you were looking and highlighted the appropriate row & column for your version.
You needed to check row for the ALM 12.0x version and you are correct to check the 3rd column which states your version is supported through Mar 31, 2018.

[1]: /storage/temp/649-inkedalm-support-expirations-li.jpg

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 216)
Answered on July 27, 2017 3:52 pm

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