A window pop up is not being recorded or replayed
Question ID: 105642

We have an application recorded using Ajax TruClient protocol-IE9 browser/11.52 patch3 installed. We have an issue where the window pop up is not being recorded or replayed. we have attached the screenshot. Any input would be great.
![alt text][1]

[1]: /storage/temp/218-filedownload.jpg

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Posted by (Questions: 108, Answers: 6)
Asked on October 24, 2014 4:00 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The AJAX TruClient protocol can not do windows actions; such as, save a file. This is not a Browser feature but a windows feature. Please modify your business process to not include downloading of a file.

The TruClient protocol only interacts with the Browser; thus, cannot do windows operations.

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 266)
Answered on October 24, 2014 4:01 pm

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