VIrtual user Generator script problem in LoadRunner 12.02
Question ID: 106417

hi all,

i got a problem..

suppose let takes ebay website and i started recording in VUGen by web-http/html protocol. I gave username and password later sign out. I run Replay.. it says with some correlations and script is passed..

Here my doubt arises.. When i change the username and login in script. i run with wrong credentials and still it is showing script is passed.

If i am using text check some times it is showing script passed and some times script failed

Any one explain this why i am getting like that..

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on September 30, 2015 2:28 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

A couple of things may cause your issue. Please try these:

- Check you script and comment out all web_add_cookie function calls. These cookies are probably maintaining your previous sessions.
- Make sure that all correlations are complete. A missing session correlation can cause issues similar to yours if the session ''Time to live'' is still active.

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Posted by (Questions: 23, Answers: 4)
Answered on October 27, 2015 2:38 pm

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