ALM client error: Main application process failed to start. Contact your system Administrator.
Question ID: 106460

I am an ALM admin (both site and project) but today when logging into projects, I get this error: Main application process failed to start. Contact your system Administrator.

Given I am the admin, not sure what the issue is. This was installed with "run as admin" and with IE as admin.

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Posted by (Questions: 26, Answers: 22)
Asked on October 26, 2015 3:31 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer


Try deleting following folder: C:\UsersYOUR_LOGIN_NAME_HERE\AppData\Local\HP\ALM-Client and try you connection again with IE opened as run as admin.

If that does not work, suggest getting the ALM client uninstaller and running and selecting full cleanup. Then try install again with IE opened via run as admin.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on October 26, 2015 3:32 pm
Removing that folder and reconnect allowed install and I can login to ALM now.
( at October 26, 2015 3:40 pm)

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