How to configure business transactions in AppDynamics?
Question ID: 106640

We are trying to organize our business transaction list. How can I do this?

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on January 27, 2016 8:58 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

* Without any manual configuration AppDynamics auto discovers and organizes application traffic into business transactions.

* Activities within your application are aligned with the primary functions of a web business.
o You will know immediately which business functions are involved.

* Go to Business Transactions link in the Application Dashboard
o By default AD tracks up to 200 business transactions per application and 50 per agent.
§ This can be changed if needed.
o All transactions are given a default name which are the two first levels of the URI.

* Change the Auto-Discovery Setting
o Go to the Instrumentation Section under Configure.
§ Select the tier you want
§ Check ''Use Custom Configuration for this Tier''
§ Use the custom naming object for a servlet
* Here you can change the default setting, which is 2. To use more or less levels of the URI

* Rename Transactions
o The renaming option is available under Business Transactions->More Actions->Configure->Rename

* Group Multiple Transactions
o At the business transaction list highlight the transactions you want to bundle.
o Go to More Actions->Configure->Create Group
o Provide name for the group
o Save
o These transactions will still be available in the Transaction List, but also will be included in that group.
§ When you drill down into the group you can see the list of transactions in the group separately.

* Removing Transactions
o Highlight the business transaction(s) that need to be removed.
o Click on More Actions -> Exclude Transactions.
o The transaction disappears and will not be tracked going forward.
o When you use ''Delete'' it gets rid of the past record, but does allow you to find the transaction again to read.

* Custom-Find Transactions
o To single out a transaction away from other similar named transactions in a business process you can set up Custom Match Rules.
§ Go to Configure->Instrumentation
§ Select the right Tier
§ Scroll down to see the Custom Match Rules to set up a custom discovery rule.
§ Click ''+'' to add the new rule.
§ Choose servlet
§ Name the transaction
§ Leave priority as 0
* Custom Match Rules are processed first
* Low - Auto discovery
* Medium - Excluded Transactions
* High - Custom Match Rule
* The priority setting determines which Match Rule is at the top of the Match Rule Priority.
o The higher the priority number the higher it ranks in priority.
§ Check ''URI''
§ Enter correct URI info
§ Save

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 90)
Answered on January 27, 2016 9:07 pm

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