Mobile Center Integration with ALM (SSL Disabled)
Question ID: 107734

We have recently set up a Mobile Center server, and wanted to get the steps on how to integrate the MC server with ALM. We are currently using ALM 12.53 Patch 1 (without SSL configured), and Mobile Center Server 2.50. Thanks in advance!!!

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Posted by (Questions: 239, Answers: 31)
Asked on July 19, 2017 4:18 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Before we begin the integration process, you will need to make sure the email address assigned to the testers in ALM, matches the email address they use to access Mobile Center.

You will also need to enable the 'ALM Mobile Center Extension' within the 'Project Extensions' tab in Site Admin.

After you have enabled the extension, access the 'Site Configuration' tab and add the following parameters:

Value - The ip address or fully qualified domain name of the mobile center server

Value - Enter the port number of the mobile center server

After you have entered the parameters, access the ALM Desktop Client, and log into the mobile project. Once inside the project, click the drop down arrow beside the gear icon in the toolbar, and select 'Customize'. In the Project Customization, select the 'Mobile Center Configuration' option in the left menu. Enter the ip address and port number for the Mobile Center server into the 'Server address' field. It should look similar to the example displayed to the right of the field (Example: After you have entered the correct ip address and port number, click the 'TestConnection' button. You should receive a 'Success' message box. Click the 'OK' button to close the message box.

After you have saved the changes, and returned to the mobile project, you will need to create your tests in Test plan then pull them over into Test Lab before connecting to Mobile Center. After you pull the tests over into the execution grid in Test Lab, you will see that the red Mobile Center icon has been enabled. To open the Mobile Center dialog window, you will need to highlight one of the test instances displayed in the execution grid, then click the red Mobile Center icon. In the Mobile Center dialog window, you will see two options, which are explained below.
Mobile - This option sets up your tests for a native or hybrid mobile application.
Web - This option sets up your tests for a mobile web application.

After you have selected the checkbox for the Mobile or Web option, you will then click the 'Open Wizard' button, which will display the Mobile Center console.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 300)
Answered on July 19, 2017 4:24 pm

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