A list field value isn’t syncing with our SalesForce (opsHub)
Question ID: 108047

One of our users entered a number of additional list items in a single-selection list for a custom field in one of our projects that we are syncing with SalesForce.

W happen to be using OpsHub, but this might be a more general synchronization issue.

She and the SalesForce admin have worked out all the problems with syncing except for one item.
In PROJECT_A the specific list value for BG_USER_06 (a list field), we are trying to set the value of "CT-AA".
The NEW list item was added to Salesforce and into one of our many lists in QC, but it throws an error:

StackTrace from HP :

OH-HPQC-0053: Error encountered in processing request (https://almmycompany.saas.hpe.com/qcbin/rest/domains/PRODUCTION_MYCOMPANY/projects/Wire/defects) because of OpsHub-012612: Error in response from Quality Center, because of Exception Code From QC : qccore.invalid-list-field-value Exception Message : Invalid value specified for verified list field user-06

She never entered this project, but a requirement has been entered into SalesForce against it now requiring a sync to QC.

WE are not seeing anything in the logs related to CT-AA or BG_USER_06 that might point to what we are missing. The item she pointed out to me was in the customization – project lists. We have many lists used for BG_USER_06 and in our WORKFLOW, we swap them out based on the selected value on a different field. In the same area I also saw similar list values but none with CT-AQ, so asked her to add them as a MAIN project list but the sync still failed. There are a large quantity of list items so I am hoping very much that there is something we are missing that may provide better insight as to where in the lists this value "CT-AA" belongs.

If you would please work with the project manager who is trying to make this change, I would appreciate it. Sometimes being in the middle key details can get lost.

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Posted by (Questions: 91, Answers: 5)
Asked on December 27, 2017 3:45 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

You are correct. This has nothing to do with OpsHub, but is a generic synchronization/API issue.

Start with Customize / ''Project Entities''/ Defects / User Fields

Find your user field (look at the Label AND NAME - NAME has the BG_USER_06 pattern for it's name.
Then look at the LIST associated with the field - in your case ''EngProj_0'' - there is a button to go the that list from here, and you can edit it.

Another possibility of confusion would be BECAUSE the list under BG_USER_06/''Eng Proj'' is being changed dynamically by workflow.

Some customers have a fancy workflow script that will ''swap'' out one list for another based on the value of some other field. I think you are saying the defect form already acts like that.

In this case the ''default'' list is ''EngProj_0'' (the list specified as associated with the field in ''Customize/Project Entities/Defects'', but at runtime, it might be a different one, based on the other field values. - they it interactively to work with that sync'ing record - can you MANUALLY change the field to CT-AA on the Defect Form?

Does the list look the same as it does for ''EngProj_0''?

If it is changing the list dynamically, then the DEFAULT list ''EngProj_0'' has to be a ''superset'' of ALL possible list values from ALL lists that get swapped out for that field BG_USER_06.

The API cannot possibly get to the SPECIFIC list to confirm or set any values since the workflow is not ''honored'' or run during outside syncs - only at runtime/QC GUI is the workflow used.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on December 27, 2017 3:51 pm
Awesome. Thank you for that explanation. It seems that we should focus on finding and editing the superset list: ''EngProj_0'' We will give this a try and then I can try to re-sync the defect. Thanks,
( at December 27, 2017 3:57 pm)

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