”Abnormal termination, caused by mdrv process termination” Error in Performance Center test.
Question ID: 106463

When I'm executing a test in Performance Center 12.2, my Web HTTP/HTML Vusers are fail with the error "Abnormal termination, caused by mdrv process termination".

I have drilled down the error occurs just after I connect to the VTS server in my script. The scripts replay on the PC host machine via Vugen without error. Using the wlrun.exe on the same PC host machine, ran 5 Vusers in the controller and get the error, ran one Vuser and still get the error.

else//VTS Connect returned and error:

If pvci = TRUE (any positive value) then abort

lr_error_message("VTS Connection attemp failed with error code %d\\n",pvci);

/////From the Vusers logs here is where the mdrv error occurs///////



Any suggestions on anything I am missing?

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Posted by (Questions: 144, Answers: 1)
Asked on October 27, 2015 1:19 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The use of some Virtual Table Server (VTS) APIs can cause some abnormal termination of the mdrv.exe process in Performance Center (PC) 12.20.

In Performance Center 12.20, executing a load test containing scripts using C-based VTS API (i.e.: ''lrvtc_query_column'' and ''lrvtc_retrieve_message'') will cause an abnormal termination of the mdrv.exe process.


To fix the issue: Hot fix from HP for 12.20 or PC 12.20 patch 1 will fix this issue.

Backup the files SharedParameter.dll and SharedParameter.pdb located in bin (By default ''C:Program Files (x86)HPLoad Generatorbin'', ''C:Program Files (x86)HPPerformance Center Host''),
Copy and replace them with the fixed version contained in the attached SharedParameter.zip.

(Note: Get the patch 1 or Hot fix from HP or Orasi Support)

Pasted from

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 152)
Answered on October 27, 2015 1:22 pm

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