ALM 12.21 Application Upgrade to ALM 12.60 latest version Plan & Suggestions
Question ID: 109350

I have couple of questions related to ALM 12.21 application upgrade to ALM 12.60.

Currently ALM 12.21 Application has only 1 huge ALM project & it is on Windows 2012 Server connected with Sql Server 2012 with LDAP Authentication.

Plan is in place to set up a new environment & infrastructure servers with below setup:

ALM 12.60 Application to have upgrade of existing 1 huge ALM project on Windows 2016 Server connected with Sql Server 2016 with same above LDAP Authentication.

At the end, it is expected to setup SSL ( https ) for this new deployment, even if user provides http: URL should be accepted and https: page should be loaded.

What would be your recommendations for this type of non In house upgrade? Could you please let me know pros & cons on choosing any of the below approaches.

Option1: Should we create a new ALM 12.60 environment , with new App & DB server with an option create new site admin schema, have an empty QCSITEADMIN_DB created.
Post that, restore Db and repository copy of that 1 project from 2012 environment to 2016 environment, perform dbid.xml modifications to point new environment DB & repository & then restore/repair & Upgrade.

After Upgrade as we know, User properties will have only User ID & Name rest all properties will be empty & should be copied from Old Site Admin Users table from ALM 12.21 environment

In this case, is there any tool provided by Micro focus to update User properties that will get created in new Site Admin Users table, to make users successfully Authenticated against LDAP?

Do we have tested & working steps on how to enable SSL functionality on this new environment, Also do we have to introduce Apache web server for any specific purpose.

If so, please provide the version of Apache server that should be downloaded and configurations that have to be made in Apache to integrate with ALM to enable SSL?

Option2: Should we create a new ALM 12.60 environment , with new App & DB server with an option to create a copy of existing site admin schema, have an copied QCSITEADMIN_DB created with already populated USERS & PROJECTS tables etc.
Could you please provide tested & working steps that can achieve create a copy of existing site admin schema in new environment?

How should we restore old site admin schema from old SQL 2012 environment to new SQL 2016 environment?

What permissions should we ensure to have it on the  imported QCSITEADMIN_DB schema, what should be the name of imported QCSITEADMIN_DB schema?

How will we make the new ALM 12.60 environment understand this imported QCSITEADMIN_DB schema and create its own copied new QCSITEADMIN_DB from this old site admin schema?

Post that, restore Db and repository copy of that 1 project from 2012 environment to 2016 environment, perform dbid.xml modifications & then restore/repair & Upgrade.

After Upgrade we are assuming that there is no need to upgrade user properties as full properties will be already present because we used copy of existing site admin.

Do we have tested & working steps on how to enable SSL functionality on this new environment, Also do we have to introduce Apache web server for any specific purpose.

please provide the version of Apache server that should be downloaded and configurations that have to be made in Apache to integrate with ALM to enable SSL?

I haven’t thought of any other approach, but please let me know if there is any cleaner way of achieving this ALM 12.60 infra implementation & Project Upgrade along with SSL setup integrated with Apache.

In addition to configuring with LDAP & enabling SSL , do you think we can propose/configure any more features like single sign on etc. If it is possible could you please provide working and tested KB steps for the same.

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Posted by (Questions: 33, Answers: 21)
Asked on February 20, 2020 11:59 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Wow, that is details and lots of questions!

I would recommend Option 2, AND you do NOT need Apache for anything!

You are using SQL-Server -- just do a BACKUP to "bak" file, create a new user in SQL-Server called "td" (no permissions/roles other than "pblic") with whatever password you want (remember it, though), then restore the DB from bak into NEW SQL-Server, followed by "fixing" the SQL-Server user called "td".

Just keep the old qcsiteadmin name.

During 12.6 install, it will ask for DB "credentials" for the location and "db-admin" user of the database, then will ask about whether to upgrade a copy of the site admin schema - select THAT.  Provide the OLD schema name and a NEW schema name and the EXISTING password for the "td" user.

IF you were using the Lab Management feature with the "ALM"-level license (NOt Enterprise), you need to also backup/restore the LAB_PROJECT database and run the stored procedure on it like you did for qcsiteadmin_db (you also need to migrate it's repository folder like you do for a project as well).  Else, it will automatically create a BLANK lab_project and point to it.  Actually, you never use this database/project with the Enterprise license, but it must be there.

When asked, make sure to create a NEW Site Admin user (QC-authentication) -- this will be useful if your LDAP fails when you first try to access QC.

The installer will make the site admin database copy for you and will UPGRADE the copy.  It also will upgrade the lab_project (if migrated - ALM level license) or create a new one as mentioned if you do NOT migrate it (enterprise license).

When install/site admin upgrade completes, you should be able to get into Site Admin (HTTP address).

If you used LDAP previously, at this point you might be effectively LOCKED OUT and need to revert to QC-Authentication.

NOW, in Site admin you should see a list of your projects, BUT they will all be pointing to the OLD database and repository locations.

You need to migrate the project DB's (similar to how you did for qcsiteadmin), migrate project repositories, perform dbid.xml modifications & then restore, THEN verify, repair & Upgrade.

You do not need to do anything with user properties because you used copy of existing site admin.

Eable SSL:

Install guide:  See section:

"Configure a secure connection to the ALM application server (Jetty)"

As mentioned earlier -- APACHE is not necessary.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on February 21, 2020 5:11 pm
Dear @ pt-barnum , Thanks a lot for the details provided. I will try to perform upgrade with suggested details and will let you know in case of any assistance required. Once again, thanks a lot for your valuable time and help provided!
( at February 25, 2020 2:53 am)

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