ALM 12 error Can not perform, Failed to create closure
Question ID: 106976

Two weeks ago we were able to create a Baseline on a Library in this ALM instance but now we can no longer do it. This is the error we encounter during Baseline Verification:
![alt text][1]

[1]: /storage/temp/463-closure-exception.jpg

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Posted by (Questions: 36, Answers: 3)
Asked on July 26, 2016 3:21 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Looks like maybe you need to adjust the Site parameters, if the library grown over the 2 weeks.

* Unable to capture a baseline. The user receives an error message during the baseline verification process that indicates that the feature ''capture_baseline'' has exceeded size limit fuse for some entity. Workaround: Add the following site parameters to the Server Configuration tab in Site Administration:

**LIBRARY_FUSE - 300000**

The parameter value indicates the base number for calculating the maximum number of entities for a library, in order to maintain optimal performance. By default, the value is 2500. Calculation is performed as follows:

- Maximum number of tests in a library
= LIBRARY_FUSE * 1 (2500 by default)
- Maximum number of resources in a
library = LIBRARY_FUSE * 0.25 (625
by default)
- Maximum number of
business components in a library =
LIBRARY_FUSE * 0.25 (625 by default)

A validation of this value is
performed when you create baselines,
import libraries, or synchronize


- The parameter value is used to adjust the limitation on the number of rows of each table (Entity) allowed in a closure for all features (such as baseline, version control, copy/paste). The default value is 100, which means 100% of the original limitation defined on the number of rows for each entity. Setting this value to 300000, for example, means 3000 times the original limitation.

# Solution

By simply changing the Site Parameter LIBRARY_FUSE to a number greater than 2500, you should be able to verify the baseline successfully. For example you can change the value to 300000 to accommodate very large baselines. If you experience an issue with other entities other than baselines, you may also need to adjust the CLOSURE_ROWS_FUSE_FACTOR_PCT parameter.

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Posted by (Questions: 6, Answers: 167)
Answered on July 26, 2016 3:26 pm

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