ALM App Setup and Data Sync in Primary and Secondary Data Centers for Business Continuity DR
Question ID: 109636

Hi All,

How to setup replica of ALM Infrastructure like below  in secondary data center as that of primary data center & sync data between (Application, Database, Repository & Citrix) servers in primary & secondary data center?

 ALM Architecture.jpg

Purpose of this activity is, in case if Primary Data Center Servers are down and unavailable due to any reason (like disaster or catastrophic issue), users should be still able to access the ALM application from Secondary data center with up to date data without any issues.

What are the design considerations and checklist we have to follow for setting up this type of DR model?

Please provide references to any white paper or design document if available for this type of setup.

Load balancer, Active Directory, LDAP, SSL, Mail Server and all other functionalities should work seamlessly from Secondary data center in the absence of Primary data Center.

Once, Primary Data Center is up & available again, a switch has to be done so that ALM application operate back from Primary Data Center from Secondary Data-center.

Please let me know your valuable inputs/feedback on this topic.


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Posted by (Questions: 33, Answers: 21)
Asked on June 23, 2020 6:11 am

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