ALM crashes when I click the 'Automated' tab within the 'Execution Settings' in ALM for UFT tests
Question ID: 108055

Hello. I am having an issue where ALM crashes everytime I click the ‘Automated’ tab within the ‘Execution Settings’ for UFT tests that have parameters assigned to them. We are currently using ALM v12.20.378 (No Patch) with UFT v14.01. I have tried the following in an attempt to resolve the issue.

– ALM Client Cleanup
– Reinstalling TD Connectivity
– Re-registering the ALM client
– Ensuring the ALM plugin has been installed
– Uninstalling / reinstalling UFT
– Using a simple UFT test with only one parameter

I have rolled my UFT back to version 12.02, where this issue doesn't occur. If you can help with this issue, that will be greatly appreciated!

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Posted by (Questions: 239, Answers: 31)
Asked on January 5, 2018 8:26 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

I will be glad to assist you with this issue. The R&D team with Micro Focus has advised that this issue was resolved in version 12.21 Patch 1 of ALM. Unfortunately, at this time there are no work arounds available for this issue. In order to resolve this issue, and continue using UFT 14.01, you will need to upgrade your ALM to at least v12.21.64 (Patch 1). I hope this helps.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 300)
Answered on January 5, 2018 8:28 pm

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