Always get a ”You are exceeding your Business Components Licenses.” error on login
Question ID: 109154

We get the error above when logging in. What is funny is we don’t have any BPT licenses. We are using ALM SaaS if that makes a difference.

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Posted by (Questions: 113, Answers: 8)
Asked on August 1, 2019 2:09 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

I found the following Change Request in the Micro Focus Knowledge Base. It seems that his is a bug in the SaaS implementation of ALM. The bug has been reported and the status of the change request is deferred (see attached document for full definition) meaning that there is a bug but it will bug but it will not be addressed at this time.

The workaround for this issue is to go into project customization in the QC/ALM client, click on Module Access along the left-hand side of the window, and uncheck Business Components for all groups.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on August 1, 2019 2:10 am

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