Analysis/View “Save Graph Data” Does not exist in ALM15.5?
Question ID: 110078

Many of our users have reported that the “Save Graph Data” feature is GONE starting with ALM/QC 15.5.

The feature that has been in ALM/QC forever was still there in 15.0/15.01 and described in the online user guide.



It has the GUI element described like “old” analysis graph did — “Save Graph Data” described as saving data to a file:

Save Graph Data. When viewing a data grid, saves the graph data. You can save the data as an Excel spreadsheet, a Word file, an HTML document, or a text file.

 Starting with the NEW 15.5, here is what it has in the online User Guide:

 Save Graph Data Does not exist — only seems to be able to save JPG for bar or line graph, can no longer save “data” into CSV or Excel.


What’s up with that?  Is there a work-around?

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Posted by (Questions: 193, Answers: 14)
Asked on April 6, 2021 12:55 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

This function was removed from ALM 15.5, as a workaround, you can use the GRAPH CREATION WIZARD's button bar icons to save the data.

-Once the graph and data are selected you will see a preview of your graph and a familiar button bar across the top.

-in this window, you can select the button data Grid and from there you can save the data on excel or in docx files.



The View tab of a graph has an improved look and feel starting from ALM 15.50. If you want to use the classic view, ask your site admin to enable the view by using the ENABLE_CLASSIC_GRAPH_VIEW parameter.

The graph window will then support the classic view only.

See (expand section on "":


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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on April 6, 2021 1:12 pm

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