Automation API for UFT API-Testing
Question ID: 105111

I know there’s an API for automating UFT GUI-Tests (aka QTP), but I’ve not been able to locate documentation on automating UFT API-Tests. Does such an API exist for API-Tests?


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Posted by (Questions: 25, Answers: 12)
Asked on August 26, 2013 9:50 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Prior to the release of UFT 11.5 the GUI and API test automation tools could be purchased and licensed separately. They were known as QuickTest Pro and Service Test, respectively. With UFT 11.5 the two tools have been combined into one product. If you have UFT 11.5 and have licenses for both GUI and API test automation then the documentation for the API test automation capabilities should be contained in the help files of the product.

If you are working with a version older than UFT 11.5, then look for documentation for Service Test. 11.20 was the latest version of that stand alone product.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 101)
Answered on August 27, 2013 3:58 am
Thanks, Tclasp. I want to run UFT API tests as part of my automated build. So I was looking for an API to accomplish that. The UFT 11.5x docset comes with help files for ''UFT Automation Scripts.'' It states: ''Relevant for: GUI tests and components''. There doesn't appear to be anything equivalent for automating API tests. I found something that should suit my purposes. There's a command line interface for running API tests. (UFT User Guide > API Testing Design > Testing Techniques > Reference > Command Line Syntax) and a ''Run Results Deletion Tool''. I should be able work with these.
( at August 27, 2013 12:37 pm)
So, you're not looking for instructions on how to use UFT to create API tests, but rather for instructions on how to use an API to cause test created in UFT to run. Correct? Take a look at the Test Batch Run tool. It is available from the Start menu under HP Software > UFT > Tools. You can use it to create a ''batch'' of tests to run. And then you can use a Windows Command Line to launch the batch runner. How to Run A Test Batch Using the Windows Command Line is one of the topics in the help file for the Test Batch Runner.
( at August 27, 2013 7:00 pm)

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