Autopass licenses expiring while UFT in use
Question ID: 106755

Since we added Server Redundancy, we have had many instances where a license is checked out and being used while creating and running scripts from UFT. A message will pop up saying "The Current License is Expired or Unavailable. Please check in your changes." This has caused us to lose work while scripting. Is there any way to prevent AutoPass from expiring these licenses while they’re being used?

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Posted by (Questions: 387, Answers: 66)
Asked on April 14, 2016 3:04 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Make sure you put in the correct domain in the user pools. If the domain is not correct, this can happen.

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Posted by (Questions: 18, Answers: 807)
Answered on April 14, 2016 3:05 pm
That was the problem. We had the domains wrong.
( at April 14, 2016 3:06 pm)

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