BPT DB Corruptions and Inconsistencies found in Verify Report
Question ID: 108072

Hello. We are currently using ALM 12.01 with UFT 14.01, and we are wanting to know how to find and remove the redundant parameter instances that are listed in the verify report. I would like to know if these values can be manually removed from the database without causing any issues for the users. The following, are the messages that are displaying in the verify report.

– Checking BPT DB consistency …
– 230 Redundant parameter instances (BP_PARAM).
– ALM-V10148: BPT DB Inconsistencies Found.
– Checking Application Area resources have a valid file name value …
– Passed
– QcVerify.Info.BPTDependenciesCorruptionsVerifyTask
– 5368 Corruptions found in BPT dependencies, and will be fixed automatically.

After the repair has been run, the redundancies, and corruptions are removed, and are no longer displayed in the verify report. After a period of time has passed, we can run the verify report again, and the following messages are displayed:

– Checking BPT DB consistency …
– 23 Redundant parameter instances (BP_PARAM).
– ALM-V10148: BPT DB Inconsistencies Found.

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Posted by (Questions: 239, Answers: 31)
Asked on January 19, 2018 6:44 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hello. The BPT DB inconsistency messages that appear in the Verify report are common errors, and they are a known issue in ALM v12.01 with Micro Focus. Micro Focus has advised that upgrading to a more recent version of ALM will resolve this issue. Micro Focus also advises that if the verify report states that the inconsistencies can be fixed automatically, as indicated in your report, then there is no need to be alarmed, as running the repair tool will remove these inconsistencies. Since the repair tool will remove the inconsistencies, then there will be no need to go in and remove them manually from the database, as this could corrupt the database.

Inconsistencies in the verify log can be due to the following reasons:

- The inconsistencies will appear if the ALM service is stopped / restarted, or a project is deactivated while there are active users working in the project.
- Any network glitches that may occur, causing orphaned parameter records in the project's database/schema.

The inconsistencies can be avoided by checking for any active users working in ALM before stopping / restarting the service, or disconnecting any projects.

If the verify report indicates that the repair needs to be carried out manually on the database, then it will require queries for each case, to find where they are linked. The verify report will also provide more information as to how these actions need to be carried out, as displayed in the following [knowledge document][1]. I hope this answers your questions.

[1]: https://softwaresupport.softwaregrp.com/group/softwaresupport/search-result/-/facetsearch/document/KM1302383?lang=en&cc=us&hpappid=206728_SSO_PRO

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 300)
Answered on January 19, 2018 6:47 pm

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