Browser crashes in Vugen 12.55
Question ID: 108749

,Hi All,

We are trying to know the Performance of our Web Browser application.

When we are using the URL in normal browser it is working as expected without any issues, when we are trying to know the performance of the application in Vugen ( 12.55 Version) Scripting the browser is getting crashed without any error and unable to proceed further , Please someone help us or guide us on how to proceed further. Appreciated.


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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on November 21, 2018 9:59 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

To resolve the browser crashing when recording your application with VuGen 12.55, please try running VuGen as an administrator.

1. Close all instances of VuGen
2. Right click on the VuGen icon, and select ''Run as an administrator''
a. If this solution works, you set VuGen to always run as an administrator
b. Right click on the VuGen Icon, and Properties
c. Select the Compatibility tab, and check ''Run this program as an administrator''

You may need to set your browser to run as an administrator as well.
Also another cause would be an corrupt installation of the VuGen software. Please ensure that the following conditions were done when installing the VuGen software.

Server Preparation for installing the VuGen software:

* First to ensure you have the proper permissions: ''LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT'' to install the software
? Please open DOS prompt on the ALM machine and run the following command:
§ reg query ''HKUS-1-5-19''
? If you get a '' ERROR: Access is denied.'' message youdon'thave the adminrightneeded to install/RunVuGen Property. Pleasesee your system admin andget admin right for your local machine.

* Turn off IE ESC **(Windows Servers OS only)

* Turn off UAC

* Turn off DEP: Turn off DEP on a Windows machine
? Open a DOS prompt
? Navigate to the C: folder
? Execute the following command: bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff

* Disable Anti-Virus ** ( If the anti-virus cannot be fully disabled, access to the anti-virus logs with the ability to create exceptions will may be needed)

* Ensure all prerequisites software is installed (.NET 3.5)

* Disable Windows Firewalls (Private and Public)

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 152)
Answered on December 27, 2018 2:15 pm

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