Can I use Insight with LeanFT
Question ID: 106312

I heard that I can use Insight recognition with LeanFT like I can do with regular UFT. Is this true?

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Posted by (Questions: 227, Answers: 22)
Asked on August 7, 2015 2:16 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

1.Create the image file you want to use to identify the object.
JPG, BMP, and PNG are the supported types.

2.Initialize an InsightObject test object class and as the constructor, provide an image that is loaded from a file that you created in step 1.

C# example:

string imageFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + ''SubmitButton.jpg''
Image image = Image.FromFile(imageFolder);
var submitButton = window.Describe(new InsightDescription(image));

3.You can also optionally provide:

* an index or VRI definition in the object description to help ensure unique identification of the object

* a similarity property that enables you to control the % tolerance of the recognition

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 477)
Answered on August 7, 2015 2:16 pm

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