Unfortunately, the functionality to link requirements to cycles and releases using workflow script is currently unavailable in ALM. In order to perform the linkage, you will need to get the Cycle ID, and it has been confirmed internally that the functionality you are trying to accomplish is not currently possible due to the ALM functionality. The reason being, is we cannot get the values for Target Release or Target Cycles fields using the property '.value', which is usually used in order to get the value for a field. The Target Release and Target Cycle at the database level in Requirements table are stored as a list. The list contains items that are the Release IDs and not the Release names, and this is the reason it is not possible to get the value. This is a known limitation that has already been confirmed by the Micro Focus developer team (R&D). Micro Focus has also advised that this field is an object type field that takes a value that is defined in other string fields. Therefore, it cannot be used for customization purposes. There is currently no workaround for this linkage even if you use workflow. I hope this helps.