Can you add custom Java code to a LoadRunner Script created with the Java Record and Play back protocol?
Question ID: 105132

We are currently using LoadRunner 11.52 and our application is a Java Application. We are using the Java Record and Replay protocol. After recording a LoadRunner script, we found that we need to engaged our development team to help with custom scripting. Our developer asked if we can place custom Java Code in the LoadRunner Script(s) if needed? Any input would be great.

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Posted by (Questions: 159, Answers: 15)
Asked on October 4, 2013 1:26 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Standard Java code can be used in your LoadRunner Java Scripts. Typically, you would record your Java Script and then insert Java custom code where needed.

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 266)
Answered on October 4, 2013 1:27 pm

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