Case description:Is there a way to link a specific HP QC test script or report to a URL?
Question ID: 105719
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Posted by (Questions: 113, Answers: 8)
Asked on November 1, 2014 12:37 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

I would like to have a link that can be copied into a document or application that when click on would take the user to the test script in the specified project.


To create a link to a report or graph you do the following:

1. Right-click on the graph or report that you would like to create the link to
2. Select ''Share Analysis Item''

3. In the window that opens you will need to select either:
a. Copy Analysis Item URL (Authentication Required)
b. Copy Analysis Item Public URL

4. The URL will be copied to the clipboard on the computer where you can paste it into your document.

As far as the test script are you talking about the UFT test script or the test in the Test Plan module of ALM. If you are just looking for a way to get a link that will take you to a test in the Test Plan module you can right click on the test and select ''Copy URL''

This will provide you with a link to the test and when clicked on you will need to login to ALM / QC then the test will be displayed

Marked as spam
Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on November 1, 2014 12:39 am
That works thanks.
( at November 1, 2014 12:40 am)

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