I am unable to change the parameter values on each called template test case
Question ID: 105720

I have template test cases with parameters which I am calling when building test cases. In some cases I can change the test parameters (right click on the called template test cases and select called test parameter) and in other cases when I click on a called template test (different template test case) and try to change the test parameter, the called test parameter option is disabled and I am navigated to the template test.

Bottom line, I should be able to see the called test parameter option and be able to change the parameter values on each called template test case which has a parameter instead of being able to change some called template test cases and not others.

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on November 1, 2014 12:49 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

It looks like this issue has been reported HP already. The issue is in the investigation phase currently, and is being considered for a future release in version 11.

Link to QCCR1J18103

I have tested this in ALM 11.52 and found that the same issue still exists. The problem seems to be that the entire text field in the form is treated as the link. I have found though that if you right-click in the first column of the linked test that you can then add the parameters without being taken to the test.


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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on November 1, 2014 12:51 am
Until HP resolves the issue I can live with the workaround. Thanks for looking into it.
( at November 1, 2014 12:52 am)

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