Copy Test Case with Requirement Coverage
Question ID: 107625

Our team would like to copy several hundred test cases and retain the existing linked requirements. Since ALM treats the pasted tests as ‘New’ tests, is there a non-manual way to recreate these links? Thanks!

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on April 30, 2017 11:18 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Our team would like to copy several hundred test cases and retain the existing linked requirements. Since ALM treats the pasted tests as 'New' tests, is there a non-manual way to recreate these links? Thanks!

As you already know there is no way within the HPE ALM UI to copy defects with linkage from one project to another. Below is the HPE Knowledge Base article where this is dicussed.

The only option that I could see that would allow you to retain this links would be to use the HPE QC/ALM API

Another issue that you would need to be aware of is that there could also be defects attached to the tests, test instances, runs , run steps, and other defects.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on April 30, 2017 11:19 pm
Yes, I'm totally in agreement. If for no other reason, the team isn't using ALM as it was intended. Their idea of a reusable test case means ''copying it to another release folder''. Sadly, I'm stuck trying to support their efforts. ? (I haven't tried) but would it be possible to copy the entities to another (new/blank) project and then back to the original? I was thinking that maybe the links might be maintained by the 'new' project.
( at April 30, 2017 11:20 pm)

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