Custom user groups in ALM 12.53 unable to add users from site
Question ID: 107100

In our ALM 11.52 we had a QA Lead custom user group that allowed these users to add users from site via the project customization screen. After upgrading to ALM 12.53, these users get an error now and cannot complete the task. Only tdamin users seem to have the ability to add users this way.

Error screen shot:

![alt text][1]

And here is the stack trace:

![alt text][2]

[1]: /storage/temp/487-add-user-error.png
[2]: /storage/temp/488-add-user-error-stack-trace.png

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Posted by (Questions: 26, Answers: 22)
Asked on September 14, 2016 1:27 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer


This is a known issue reported a while back for ALM 12.0, as per HP QCCR1J77907.
The issue affects all 12.x version of ALM. Seems HP removed the ability to call GetUserPropertiesInSite for every user group except for tdamdin.

However there is a fix, per M02159911: [KM link][1]

*As of ALM 12.XX a new Site Parameter is introduced to control the access to users' details - ''USER_PROPERTIES_ACCESS_LEVEL''.*

*This change is intended to improve the security by controlling whether non admin user can obtain details of users in the system directly or through scripts/API.*


By default the parameter is hidden and is with value ''ADMINS_MINIMAL''.

Possible values for ''USER_PROPERTIES_ACCESS_LEVEL'' parameter:

''ALL'' - All the fields in users table will be available if requested.

''MINIMAL'' - All the fields in users table except user password will be available if requested.

''ADMINS_ALL'' - All the fields in users table will be available if requested but only when the login user is Site Admin/Project Admin, otherwise error message will be responded.

''ADMINS_MINIMAL'' - All the fields in users table except user password will be available if requested but only when the login user is Site Admin/Project Admin, otherwise error message will be responded.


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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on September 14, 2016 1:33 pm
I got the parameter in and set the value to MINIMAL and now it works without error. Thanks!
( at September 14, 2016 1:43 pm)

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