DB connection and password masking
Question ID: 107882

I am connecting UFT to my oralce database. In doing so I am exposing my db username and password. Is there a way to mask the password so that I do not have to hard code it in my script? I tried the password encoder that comes with UFT to mask the password but that did not solve the problem. See let me know if anything can be done to mask the user’s actual password.

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Posted by (Questions: 22, Answers: 6)
Asked on October 3, 2017 5:54 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

By the behavior of the GUI backend, engine (VbScript) you can not encrypt a password and keep it from other users see this password.
Below are some options we discussed , some of them are better than the other options.

1. Create a tester user ID and password and use it instead of your and then it can be hard coded in the code for running test.
2. Set UserID and Password in a local file and have test read that file to obtain that information.
3. Create a test input parameter for UserID and password. Then have UFT test use this parameter.
4. You can pass the data at run time using code like this
RTVariable = inputbox(''Type the value you want to set'')
Control(''parent'').Control(''textbox'').set RTVariable
5. Use the password encryption tool. This is not a secure method.
6. Design and create a custom tool that would interface with VbScrpting engine. This is out of the scope of Orasi Support and not sure how that would be implement.

With the above stated there is no way I can think of getting around using a unique User ID and password and keeping it secure from other users. I would recommend creating a generic user id for all tester to use.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 98)
Answered on October 3, 2017 5:54 pm

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