Disable v11.52 Web access
Question ID: 109394

We are in the middle of an upgrade and want to stop users from seeing their ALM projects on the old server, but may still need them.

What is the best way to turn off web access for ALM version 11.52? I checked the IIS service but there was not one.  I do not see anything obvious. Can you give me a hand here?

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Posted by (Questions: 193, Answers: 14)
Asked on March 19, 2020 9:58 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Web access?  You mean the Web page/landing page “qcbin” and “client” pages?

That would be the “HP Application Lifecycle Management” service, but then you could not get into get into any projects NOR the Site Administrator.


You COULD instead just de-activate the projects – this way, the admin can still get into Site Admin, and users cannot get into projects.

If you still want people to "see" (read/only) project information, you could change group membership for all projects so users are all just "viewer" and cannot add or change anything, but that would be more work for the project admin(s).

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on March 19, 2020 10:03 am

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