Error when installing Lab Service for Functional Testing
Question ID: 106051

When I install the lab service on one a particular workstation, I get the following error: An error occurred within the HP ALM Lab Service tray application. An error occurred loading a configuration file: Access to patch 'C"\\Program Files\\HP\\HP ALM Lab Service\\4qi2i15.tmp is denied.

I have installed the service on three other machines without issue. I am a system admin and have full rights. I did some forum searching and found mention that being and admin for the install with UAC off should be fine. I have checked UAC. I set to never notify and reboot. I have noticed it sometimes is back on, but shows never notify at point of install.

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Posted by (Questions: 26, Answers: 22)
Asked on April 28, 2015 3:37 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer


Sounds like the UAC is not turning off given it the error and you say it ''sometimes is back on''.

Go to your registry editor (regedit) and find the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem

Once you find the key, to the right, find the EnableLUA. Ensure that the value is set to 0 so that UAC will be disabled. If set to 1, then UAC is still on. Make the registry change, and do a reboot and try the Lab Service install again.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on April 28, 2015 3:38 pm
UAC was not turning off. It was not set to 0 in the registry. With it set to 0, lab management installed just fine.
( at April 28, 2015 3:45 pm)

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