export alm test cases test steps
Question ID: 107666

is there a way to extract information related to a test case all fields (author, designer, description, status, test steps, etc) from alm into excel. A mere export will send just test steps but what if i have multiple test cases with multiple fields is there a way to extract all test cases at once with all the fields that makes up a test case in test plan module. I am thinking of some sort of macro ? again a mere export or out of the box reports not enough. If anyone knows of any module that can do this please advise. thanks

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Posted by (Questions: 19, Answers: 17)
Asked on May 25, 2017 1:00 am
Answers (2)
Private answer


You can do this from test plan. Go to test plan, then click on View and select ''Test Grid'' as the view choice. This gives you a grid style view. Here you can set the visible columns same as you would in Execution Grid or Defects Grid using the ''Select Columns'' menu button.

Once you have all your visible Column names present (these are your fields for test plan), simply filter your tests to the ones you want to export, or control select or however you need for the view to show the tests you want to export.

Right click on a test to see the right click menu options. At the bottom is option Export. Under it is Export All or Export Selected. The All gets all in the active view, while Export Selected will just get whatever you have highlighted before you did the right click.

Pick an option and windows save pop up comes up to name your Excel file. Name it and hit ok and your file will be saved. The file will have all the column names visible (all the fields you selected to be visible) and their data for each column.

This method does not do design steps, which is an option from the Analysis tab at the top. But that is not what you seem to want, you want the fields and multiple test select, which is what I discussed above.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on May 26, 2017 1:08 pm
Private answer

Thanks but I'm aware of grid view export that won't get me what I want I want every detail of the test case including design steps grid view export will not do that I want that for all test cases not go one by one and cobble the info. I believe a macro or ota scripting is needed.

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Posted by (Questions: 19, Answers: 17)
Answered on May 26, 2017 2:19 pm
Hello, Yes if you need both a macro/ota setup would be likely the most ideal option. Here is a link to one that is out there, but know this is not an HPE product so it is unsupported. Try at your own risk. It looks to feature both steps and fields. Link for tool: [Export tool][1] [1]: http://www.tritusa.com.au/alm-test-case-export-utility
( at May 26, 2017 3:52 pm)

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