Failed to restore project error in upgraded ALM12.53 version?
Question ID: 107959

We have recently upgraded to ALM 12.53 from ALM 11.52. We are using Oracle as a DB and the Application server is on Windows 2012 server. We installed a new version and didn’t upgrade the qcsiteadmin schema and have restored several projects without issues but we have one project that we are having issues getting it restored. It was inactive on the prior server and when we copied over the repository and restored the DB project schema, we always get an error. We have tried several times but always get the same error. We have followed the same steps on the other projects and this one still fails so we don’t feel it is procedure related.

The error log when we check it states the following error: Failed to obtain a connection to schema ‘iproject_db’. com.hp.alm.platform.db.CTdDbException: Can’t create a new database connection.; Can’t create a new database connection.;

Any idea what may be happening here/

Thanks in advance,

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Posted by (Questions: 379, Answers: 35)
Asked on October 30, 2017 4:28 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hi HomerJ,
I have seen this issue a few times before and what we were dealing with then is that the password that was associated with the project was for some reason different than the one that was associated with the bulk of the projects and not allowing the connection to the DB to be created to restore the project correctly. I am guessing that may be a similar issue here as the project in question was inactive on the prior server and it is possible that the passwords were changed after this project was deactivated and the project has a different password than the others.

What we have attempted in the past is to have the password reset on the DB schema for this project. I would suggest having it changed to the same one that the other projects are using. If unsure the default password is tdtdtd and I would suggest starting there. In the past we had the DBA change the schema to that password and then afterward change the password within the dbid.xml to the encrypted version of this (assuming this is the password the encrypted one would then be the same as the other projects have displayed, or you can create a new blank project and gather the information from that project.

After this attempt to restore the project and if this issue persists then the password is different than the one associated with the other projects. At this point you would want to insure that the password assigned to the project DB schema is what you thought it was and then you can enter it directly into the dbid.xml where the password is stored in clear text, just make sure to preclude it with the prefix TXT: and then enter your password in clear text and reattempt the restoration.

These steps have always worked for me in the past when this issue was arisen. I would suggest these actions and if that fails then you may want to contact your support group and open a case for the issue with them.

Hope this helps,

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on October 30, 2017 4:41 pm
Thanks those are some good advice and we will try them and if not open a case with our support. I have sent the clear text solution implemented and work before.
( at October 30, 2017 4:42 pm)

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