Probably the easiest way to get available object properties is to spy on it and look at what is available in the identification properties list.
As an example, you can use the [Micro Focus Advantage Shopping Demo Site][1] and spy on the speaker link:
![Speakers Link][2]
Then you can see in the spy the available properties for the object:
Object may have more properties than what are listed in the identification properties section. You can see more properties by clicking the ''Native'' radio button.
You can also get a list of properties from the [Micro Focus Object Model Reference][4]. For example, navigate to the object you are interested in. Under that object's topic, you'll find a link to the ''Description Properties'' for that object. For WebEdit, navigate to [Object Model Reference for GUI Testing > Web > WebEdit Object > WebEdit Description Properties][5].
[2]: /storage/temp/807-speakers-for-getroproperty.png
[3]: /storage/temp/808-spy-for-getroproperty.png