This happens when the QuickTest Professional remote agent is unregistered. See HP KB KM192179 for details.
Register the QTP remote agent (AQTRmtAgent.exe)
1. Verify that you have QuickTest Professional installed on this machine.
2. Register the QuickTest Professional remote agent on the machine that has QuickTest Professional installed.
a. Go to Start -> Run, and type in the path where the QuickTest Professional remote agent
is installed.
''C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalbin''
b. Unregister the remote agent (AQTRmtAgent.exe).
''C:Program FilesHPQuickTest ProfessionalbinAQTRmtAgent.exe'' -unregserver
c. Reregister the remote agent.
''C:Program FilesHPQuickTest ProfessionalbinAQTRmtAgent.exe'' -regserver
Substitute the path above with the correct path for your specific installation of QuickTest
You should now be able to run QuickTest Professional tests from Quality Center. However, if
the issue persists, please proceed to HP KB KM192179