Help creating a report to show requirements with no linkage
Question ID: 106041

In ALM 12.01, I need a report that shows which defects do not have any linkage to requirements. I do not see any default option for this under dashboard. I saw a graph can be made but management requests a report that has more details. How does one go about getting things that can be graphed to an excel report easily?

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Posted by (Questions: 26, Answers: 22)
Asked on April 28, 2015 3:07 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer


What you will want to take a look as is generating a report using the business views feature of ALM. Here are a few steps to get you to your end goal.

From the Analysis module:

Click Add New Button and select New Business View Excel Report
Enter a name and click OK

Report is made with your name, and to right, there is Generate, New and Install Addin. Click on Install Addin

Should get message Excel Report Add-in has been successfully installed.

Now open MS Excel and there should be a HP ALM tab to the right

Click on the tab to load its menu options, and then click the Login button that is to the left

Pop up window will allow you login to ALM and your project

Once logged in, now click on the Add button to get the Add Worksheet window open

Here you have the Business Views available

Scroll down and look for Defects with No Linked_Req(Defect_With_No_LInked_Req

Select and and hit Ok

Now you have your full report which you can filter and edit as needed for your preferred data

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on April 28, 2015 3:09 pm
That sounds like exactly what I need. sat ci sat bene!
( at April 28, 2015 3:19 pm)

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