HELP! Lost all Customization – users cannot open or create DEFECTS in ALM!
Question ID: 109398

Between yesterday evening (Mar 12) and this morning (Mar 13) we somehow lost all customization of our forms and workflows. I look at a defect form, and it is entirely different, missing all of the customized fields, other fields moved around, fields we never displayed now being displayed, required fields that we not required before.

I look into the Workflow section of the Customize area, and I am missing huge chunks of my code (modules missing from the tree). I look in Project Entities, and luckily all of the customized fields are still there. The data seems there, just not the customization of forms and workflows. HELP!

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Posted by (Questions: 193, Answers: 14)
Asked on March 19, 2020 11:54 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

This error you are getting refers to subroutine "SetFieldApp" (some versions called it "SetFieldProperties"), which was added to your workflow by the Script Generator (seen on the "Workflow" landing page from the Customization area for your project).

This subroutine was generated a part of the Wizard code used to help present the "forms" seen when Creating or Editing ANY entities in QC (Tests, Defects, etc.).

All of the form behavior on the field level depends on this subroutine.

Look in the actual Workflow code (scroll through code or search for string) and look for the subroutine "SetFieldApp".  Was it was commented out? Modified?

It might look like this (field name and behavior flags are passed in and field gets changed):

Sub SetFieldApp(FieldName, fldIsRequired, fldIsVisible, fldPageNo, fldViewOrder)

Fields(FieldName).IsVisible = fldIsVisible
Fields(FieldName).IsRequired = fldIsRequired
Fields(FieldName).PageNo = fldPageNo
Fields(FieldName).ViewOrder = fldViewOrder

End Sub

This subroutine was generated a part of the Wizard code used to help present the "forms" seen when Creating or Editing ANY entities in


When uncommented or fixed to behave like min, everything should work fine!

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on March 19, 2020 12:10 pm
THANKS so MUCH! As it turns out, another Admin accidentally commented out the SUB, causing all of the trouble.
( at March 19, 2020 12:12 pm)

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