Help with a query that is creating duplicates in my ALM reports.
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Hello. I have been asked to create a report for a team that will provide the test cases along with the “Actual” results from all the test cases that have been run. I was able to pull together all the data, but I’m stuck with narrowing down the info to one line per test case. If it was just the test case info, I could export it from the module, but I need the “actual” result notes from the test lab and that’s causing me to get duplicating lines per test case. Is there a way to narrow it down? SELECT STEP.ST_STEP_NAME as ‘Test Name’, STEP.ST_DESCRIPTION as ‘Test Description’, STEP.ST_ACTUAL as ‘Actual Results’, TEST.TS_EXEC_STATUS as ‘Status’, TEST.TS_USER_05 as ‘Responsible Tester’, STEP.ST_EXECUTION_DATE as ‘Execution Date’, STEP.ST_RUN_ID, CYCLE.CY_CYCLE FROM STEP, TEST, CYCLE Where CY_CYCLE like ‘Vacation/Holiday Project – Data%’ and ST_RUN_ID > ‘469’
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