How can I instrument a Windows Service with AppDynamics?
Question ID: 106594

We have a service that we need to monitor with AppDynamics. How would one accomplish this?

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on January 14, 2016 7:43 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

To instrument a Windows Service with AppDynamics you must first have a .NET agent installed an recognized by the controller. After that follow the below steps:

1. Edit the config.xml file as an administrator.
a. If you have already instrumented IIS applications, you see their configurations under the IIS element.
2. Add the Standalone Applications block as a child of the App Agents element. Create a Standalone Application element for each Windows service and standalone application you want to instrument.
a. Use the Microsoft Management Console to look up the executable path for a Windows service.
b. Use the full or partial path to the executable when you want to assign different tiers to separate instances of the same executable running from different paths.
3. Restart the AppDynamics.Agent.Coordinator service.
4. Restart the Windows service or standalone application.
5. If your Windows service or standalone application doesn't implement an auto-detected framework, you must configure a POCO entry point for a class/method in your service for the agent to begin instrumentation.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 90)
Answered on January 14, 2016 7:47 pm

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