How can we change the TD user password on our ALM 12.50 instance and where in the 12.50 install process did the td password get set in the first place?
Question ID: 106951

Context: We are currently on HP ALM 11.53 and have recently stood up a new environment for HP ALM 12.50 with the plan of migrating projects from one environment to the other over time, then sunsetting the old environment. The migration approach that we've used in the past and plan to use this time around is to create an additional database reference in the old environment (e.g. 11.53) that points to the new environment (e.g. 12.50). For each project migration, in the old environment we create a new project from an existing project and point it to the new environment db server. Then we go on to edit the dbid.xml file and change the physical directory to refer to the new path that was established on the new app server, then do restore project, verify project, repair project, and upgrade project operations and wait for the migration process to do its thing.

Issue: When trying this for the first time between our 11.53 and 12.50 environments, we experienced a "Failed to Create Project" error. The details in the SaServerLog indicated "Login failed for user 'td'". I read somewhere that the td password for both databases needs to be the same. I've confirmed that they are not the same in our case. In the old environment, the password is the standard "tdtdtd" whereas in the new environment it is something else that we apparently specified out of ignorance during the 12.50 install. (fyi… we know what this password is as we used the same password for every 12.50 install step that required one)
Questions: I have two questions… 1) What would be the process to change the td user password in the 12.50 environment to the standard "tdtdtd"? 2) Where in the 12.50 install process did the td password get set… in the Database Server step, the Site Admin Database Schema step, the Security step, the Site Administrator User step, or the Service step?

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Posted by (Questions: 9, Answers: 2)
Asked on July 8, 2016 7:43 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The ''td user'' password gets set during the Siite Admin database step - it is shown as a series of stars/asterisks, and on a NEW install/New server, it will be the default.

If QC has been installed previously on that PC, the cached values of what was entered on a previous run of the install/configuration wizard will show (still obscured by stars), but can be overridden.

Your approach to sue the SAME DB server instance for 2 instances of QC is likely DISASTROUS.
It is BEST PRACTICE to have 2 completely separate DB Instances (not ''named instances'' - QC has trouble with those). It is highly recommend to use he primary instance (just the computer name) for the SQL-Server database reference/URL in QC.

The ''Normal'' migration process to a NEW QC server environment would be to do a DB backup of the individual project database(s) AND qcsiteadmin_db (and lab_project if using ALM license). Then you restore the db backup into the NEW server. You also need to copy/migrate the corresponding project ''repository'' folder to the new server location and edit the DBID.xml file to correspond to the new DB server information and project directory (repository directory), and RESTORE the project with Site Admin.

NOTE: When you restore a SQL-Server DB into a SQL-Server instance (even the same one) , you need to ''fix'' the ''td user''. See this other EOT thread about that:

If your ''td user'' password, needs to be changed, it can be done on the Site Admin ''Servers'' tab.

Be CAREFUL, though, as it changes it in SQL-Server and QC will try to use it for projects going forward.
Also, QC will try to use the OLD td user password when starting the QC service unless you also change it in siteadmin.xml - see this thread:

When editing the DBID.xml, you will need the encrypted form of the ''td user'' password -- you can get it for the current server by creating a NEW/Blank project and looking in it's DBID.xml file.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on July 11, 2016 3:54 pm

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