First, you will need to add a couple of environment variables on the Mobile Center server. In the 'System variables' section, you will need to add the following variables:
Variable name - ANDROID_HOME
Variable value - Point it to the android-sdk-windows folder; example follows:
C:Program FilesHPE Mobile Center Serverserverandroid-sdk-windows
Variable name - JAVA_HOME
Variable value - Point it to the jre_ia folder in the Mobile Center Server folder; example follows:
C:Program FilesHPE Mobile Center Serverjre_ia
Next, scroll down the 'System variables' list and locate the 'Path' variable. Once you have located the 'Path' variable, click the 'Edit' button and append the following to the end of the existing path (Be sure to include the semi-colon before %ANDROID_HOME):
Close the Environment Variables and System Properties windows.
Open a command prompt window, and change the directory to the 'tools' folder located within the 'android-sdk-windows' folder; example follows:
cd C:Program FilesHPE Mobile Center Serverserverandroid-sdk-windowstools
Enter the following command and press Enter:
The UI Automator Viewer tool should open (UI Automator Viewer Displayed below).