How do I get the download standalone application option in Performance Center 11.5x to work?
Question ID: 105272

How do I get the download standalone application option in Performance Center 11.5x to work? Any input would be great.

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Posted by (Questions: 159, Answers: 15)
Asked on February 1, 2014 12:48 am
Answers (6)
Private answer

To access the Download Applications window, in Lab Management or in the ALM project, select Tools > Download Standalone Applications.

To enable downloading standalone applications:

1. Login to Performance Center Server.
2. Navigate to the Additional components folder locatedin the PC installation DVD. or from the Installation core files directory for a ALM-PC,
3. Navigate to C:Program FilesHPPerformance Center ServerPCWEBDownloads (If installed in default location)
4. Copy all the executable (.exe files) from the additional components folderto the folder mentioned in Step(3).

The necessary .exe files for downloading VuGen, Analysis, Snapshot Viewer, Standalone Load Generator (LG), Monitor over Firewall, and MI Listener, are located in the Applications directory, which is contained within the Additional Components directory.

These standalones application, VuGen, Analysis and LG will need to be patches to 11.52 and then to 11.52 patch1. The standalone patches are available on the Orasi SupportWeb on the Download page.

5. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and perform the following:

For IIS 6:
1. Navigate to Default Web Site > LoadTest > Downloads
2. Right click on Downloads and open Properties
3. Go to Directory tab > Execute permissions > Change it to ''Scripts only''
4. Reset IIS.

For IIS 7:
1. Navigate to the Default Web Site > LoadTest > Downloads
2. Double-click Handler Mappings
3. Click Edit Feature Permissions... in the Action sub-window on the far right of the screen
4. Ensure that Read, Scripts and Execute is checked
5. Click OK
6. Restart IIS

Make sure that there is no Handler defined for .exe. If any Handler is configured for .exe, please change it to something else. eg. Exe2

Note: You may need to refresh the Download Applications window for the changes to take effect.

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on February 1, 2014 12:51 am
Private answer

Thanks David, but issue was something else. I checked with HP and they have provide resolution.

After the above steps mentioned by you are done, we need to run below query for each project in PC database to enable download

INSERT INTO ACTIONS VALUES ('ac_download_apps_pc', NULL, '101001011','000000000','-','N','N',NULL,'DownloadApplications')

Use the below query to verify the record was added to the table.


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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 3)
Answered on December 9, 2014 5:06 pm
Thank you
( at December 9, 2014 5:12 pm)
Private answer


I am working on Performance center 12.01. I have tried this but download button is still disabled for me. Does anyone have configured this on PC 12.01

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 3)
Answered on December 9, 2014 3:07 pm
Private answer

**This is a direct quote from the HP Performance Center 12.01 user manual, page 76-77
Enabling Downloading Standalone Applications**

This section explains the steps necessary to enable you to download standalone applications from the Download Applications window.

**Note:** To access the Download Applications window, in Lab Management or in the ALM project, select Tools > Download Standalone Applications.

**To enable downloading standalone applications:**

- Insert the HP ALM Performance Center Additional Components installation disk (DVD 2) and navigate to the Additional Components directory. This directory contains the applications' execution (.exe) files.

**Note:** The necessary .exe files for downloading VuGen, Analysis, Snapshot Viewer, Standalone Load Generator, Monitor over Firewall, and MI Listener, are located in the Applications directory, which is contained within the Additional Components directory.

- On the Performance Center server, navigate to the Downloads directory, which is located in ''Performance Center Server installation directory''PCWEBDownloads.

- To enable downloading an application, copy the relevant execution file (.exe) from the Additional Components directory on the DVD to the Downloads directory on the Performance Center server.

Note: You may need to refresh the Download Applications window for the changes to take effect. These SA standalone version do not include any patches, (example VuGen 12.01 may need to have LR 12.01 patch 3 install if you are on Alm-PC 12.01 patch 1)

**Customizing the Download Applications Window**

You can edit and customize the appearance of the Downloads Applications window. To customize the window, edit the downloads.xml file located in the Downloads directory on the Performance Center server.

The following tags in the downloads file control the following features on the window. Edit the tags as desired to change the appearance of the window.

- **App Name**. The name of the application.
- **Image**. Whether the application's icon appears to the left or to the right of the name.
- **File Name**. If you changed the name of the application's execution file, you must update this section so that it matches the new name of the execution file.
- **Description**. The application's description.

These SA standalone Applications do not include any patches, (example VuGen 12.01 may need to have LR 12.01 patch 3 installed, if you are on ALM-PC 12.01 patch 1)

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on December 9, 2014 4:28 pm
Private answer

I have the same question concerning 12.5x.

I used a zip file for the download and install of Performance Center 12.55. When I navigate to the Additional Components directory from the install file directory, there are no executables for VuGen or Analysis. What I do see are setup files for HPE NV and Log Collator.

I went back to the original zip file and the Additonal Components directory was the same.

Can you provide the workaround for 12.5x?


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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 1)
Answered on September 14, 2018 3:15 pm
Private answer

Hello cbgardner_fcb

Starting **Performance Center (PC) version 12.55** Micro Focus is shipping the standalone PC components as separate downloads.

**FOR PC12.55 the standalone download are:**

- HPE Analysis Standalone - 12.55 ( file name:
- HPE Standalone VuGen - version 12.55 (file name:

***Only the Standalone VuGen and Standalone Analysis can be installed on the same machines!***

**ALL OTHER standalone components must be install alone on the Separate Machines:**

- HPE Load Generator 12.55 for Linux 64 bit (file name:

- HPE Load Generator 12.55 for Windows (file name:

- HPE MI Listener Standalone 12.55 (file name:

- HPE Monitor Over Firewall Standalone - 12.55 (file name:

- HPE TruClient Standalone 12.55 (file name:


- All downloads are available on the Micro Focus software download site
- If you are an Orasi Support Customer, the download are available at (Filter by Performance Center and 12.55).
- LoadRunner and Performance Center 12.60 was Release last month, I highly Recommend that you upgrade to PC 12.60 on all of your PC machines.
- PC 12.56 and 12.57 are patches to the PC 12.55 environment. Once PC 12.55 is installed, we recommend patching to PC 12.57.
- PC 12.56 can be skipped all PC12.56 fixes are in PC 12.57)

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on September 14, 2018 4:13 pm

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