How do i import the HP Sprinter XML file into HP UFT?
Question ID: 105881


So I have been working on Converting the Manual Test cases from HP Sprinter as an XML import to the HP UFT.
Steps I followed
1. Launched UFT
2. Click on File -> Add -> GUI test from Sprinter automated Test file Where I input my .xml file, this is where it throws me an error message saying Failed to import sprinter automated test data file ![alt text][1]

[1]: /storage/temp/242-guiscreen.png

Any help on this would be appreciated.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 0)
Asked on January 28, 2015 2:16 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

In Sprinter, when you complete you run, you are in the run results area for the test just completed test.

This section has Definitions (general settings, steps, parameters) and under that is the Result items (run summary, steps, any defects, defect reminders, user actions and storyboard).

Click on User Actions. This will change the right view to the user actions (things you did with your mouse, your actions during the test). This view has 5 menu options. The second is Export to UFT. If you click on this, it prompts you to save an xml of your actions. This can be saved anywhere.

Once saved, close out Sprinter (since you say you have UFT on same machine, best to have only one open at a time).

UFT open, go tot File>New and pick Gui Test from Sprinter Automated Test Data File...

This will give you a pop up window with 3 items to be entered.

First is the location of the xml you saved out of Sprinter. Browse and pick your file.

Second is the test name, which should auto load from the saved file. Can change if you want.

Third is the test location, which is where you will save the UFT created item (imagine you would want to save in similar area to your other UFT tests).

Click OK and item is loaded in UFT with a script created from the xml and saved as a GUI test.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on January 28, 2015 6:01 pm
Thank you for such a detailed description. It worked crisp. I appreciate your time and effort on this, I was struggling with this for quite some days.Thank you!!!
( at January 29, 2015 4:44 am)

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