How do I remove the built-in HP-JIRA Adapter from HP-Synchronizer 12.50?
Question ID: 107715

We are working with a 3rd party adapter that conflicts with HP’s built-in JIRA Adapter.
Is there a way to remove the HP-JIRA adapter from HP-Synchronizer 12.50?

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Posted by (Questions: 99, Answers: 7)
Asked on July 17, 2017 3:07 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

In newer versions of HPSync (12.50-12.53) HP is deploying their JIRA adapter now with the
base product. This pre-installed adapter sometimes conflicts with 3rd-party/custom adapters.

Follow these directions to remove the pre-installed one prior to installing the 3rd-party/custom adapter.

1) Delete the ...adaptersdatJIRA folder

2) Delete the jiraadapter.jar file from the ...adapterslib folder

3) Delete the httpcore4.2.2.jar, httpmime4.1.2.jar files from the ...adapterslib folder

4) Stop, then Start the ''HP Application Lifecycle Management Synchronizer'' service and the HP
JIRA Adapter will be gone.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on July 17, 2017 4:06 pm

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