How to remove HPE-JIRA Adapter from HP-Synchronizer 12.53 SP2?
Question ID: 107716

I saw the post for removing the HP-JIRA adapter from HP-sync 12.50-12.53:

We have HPE-sync 12.53 SP2 (HP changed the name to HPE) the adapters\\lib folder has many more files in there.

Do we need to do anything differently?

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Posted by (Questions: 91, Answers: 5)
Asked on July 17, 2017 5:42 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

In the latest versions of HPSync (12.53 SP1 and SP2) HP has been re-branded to ''HPE''.
HPE is still deploying their JIRA adapter now with the base product. This pre-installed adapter sometimes conflicts with 3rd-party/custom adapters.

The Adapterslib folder is the SAME in HPE-sync 12.53 SP1 as seen in


**But** in 12.53 SP2, it is a little different and contains many more files (87 instead of 13).

The removal of the HPE-JIRA Adapter is almost the same, though.

1) Delete the ...adaptersdatJIRA folder

2) Delete the jira-adapter.jar file from the ...adapterslib folder

3) Delete the httpcore-nio-4.1.3.jar, httpmime-4.1.2.jar files from the ...adapterslib folder

4) Stop, then Start the ''HP Application Lifecycle Management Synchronizer'' service and the HP JIRA Adapter will be gone.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on July 17, 2017 5:49 pm

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