note: Keytool executable file located under $INSTALL_FOLDER/_jvm/jre/bin
Make a backup copy of the jrelibsecuritycacerts file. Replace this original ''cacerts'' file with the ''client.keystore.trust'' file created by the commands above by copying ''client.keystore.trust'' to the ...security directory and renaming it to ''cacerts.''
Place the server.keystore file in an accessible path (e.g., C:CAsserver.keystore).
Copy (back up) the server.xml file from the Mercury InteractiveQuality Centerjbossserverdefaultdeployjbossweb-tomcat50.sar directory. Note:For TestDirector for Quality Center 9.0, the path is MercuryQuality Centerjbossserverdefaultdeployjbossweb-tomcat55.sar
Open the ''server.xml'' file:
Uncomment the SSL connector, edit the keystoreFile and keystorePass options:
Comment out the HTTP connector in the server.xml file.
Save the server.xml file, and restart JBoss and QC (e.g., via the Windows Services).
Connect to QC using port 8443. [herve leger][1]
[1]: http://www.hervelegercp.com