HP Synchronizer is unable to sync Target Cycle
Question ID: 108041

In our QC project, Target Cycle has been added to new requirement "User Story". Target Cycle is set to "Required" and is visible in QC GUI. HP Synchronizer does not show Target Cycle. We’ve refreshed the Schema but no luck. Target Release is available, though.

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Posted by (Questions: 99, Answers: 7)
Asked on December 19, 2017 6:31 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Sorry, but this is a limitation of HPE-Synchronizer. It does not work with that field at all.

I suppose you could use QC workflow to copy the current value for Target cycle to a STRING custom field, then map that field to JIRA, but it would not be able to be bi-directional, or at least would be a ''suggested'' value for someone to set interactively in QC.

+++++++++++++++++FROM the README:
Field Mappings

The following ALM fields are not available for mapping and are not displayed in the list of fields available for mapping between the endpoints:

Defect entity fields: Subject.

Requirement entity fields: Target Cycle.

This limitation applies when a field is mapped from ALM to an endpoint that does not have multibyte character support. If the field's value for a record in ALM is longer than the maximum length of the field in the other endpoint and contains non-English characters, the Synchronizer is unable to synchronize the record and writes an error message to the log file.


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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on December 19, 2017 6:34 pm

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