I would like to display a message on the qcbin page
Question ID: 109177

I would like to display a custom message on our qcbin page, and I wanted to see if you could help us with that. We appreciate your help with this.

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Posted by (Questions: 239, Answers: 31)
Asked on September 12, 2019 8:21 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hello. I believe I have what you are looking for. This will display a custom message or alert message on the qcbin page.

Steps to add an alert message to ALM qcbin page

First, you will need to locate the 'index.jsp' file, which can be found in the following location on the ALM Server:

Windows: C:\ProgramData\HP\ALM\webapps\qcbin

Once you have located the 'index'jsp' file, you will need to right-click on it, and open it for editing using NotePad or WordPad

You may find it easier to perform a search using Ctrl + F, and search for the value "Application Lifecycle Management".

You will then need to enter the two lines that I have entered below. You will need to enter them in that specific location.


<div class="main_form">

<div class="menu_form">



<td class="hp_logo">

<img src="images/hp_logo.png" alt="" border="0"/>



<p class="alm_header">Application Lifecycle Management</p>

<!--You will need to add these two lines to the existing script-->


<p class="subheader"><font color="red">!!!Alert!!!</p> <!-- Added Line. -->

<p class="subheader"><font color="red">!!!Testing!!!</p> <!-- Added Line. -->


<p class="subheader"><%=brandName%>






After you have edited the file, save your changes. Open an instance of ALM, and you should see the warning message displayed.

If ALM was already open, you will need to refresh the session to reflect the changes made.

Note: These changes will appear on the qcbin page without the need to restart the ALM server or service. I hope this helps.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 300)
Answered on September 18, 2019 3:25 pm

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